Reading list for future employees of Network 23

2024 feb

"Thursday 29 February: 1 killed. Kirkuk: 1 man killed by gunmen."

"It produced immense profits for a steadily diminishing few even as it hollowed out a prosperous and socially stable middle class and inaugurated an oppressive neo-feudalism that is now well on its way to deconstructing all of western culture."

"American and British aircraft dropped bombs on an insecticide manufacturer in a dense residential neighborhood. In the wake of the airstrikes, MintPress News reporter Ahmed AbdulKareem went to the Al-Nahda neighborhood in the center of the city, where a fire rising dozens of meters into the air illuminated nearby homes. There, he found a chaotic scene eerily reminiscent of those now regularly seen in Gaza in the wake of Israeli raids. Rubble, broken windows, scattered and burned furniture, and women and children fleeing their homes to no particular place. 'Bomb us more... we still won't let any Israeli ship cross,' an angry resident shouted as the press descended upon the scene."

"Perceived anti-semitism is cited as evidence for why Israel needs to be even more violent, militaristic and tyrannical than it already was, and why its brutal treatment of Palestinians is justified and correct."

"The end of Western-centered world domination is being made now in the Donbass"

"These individuals, despite their vast cultural differences, had common traits: profound commitment to the truth, incorruptibility, courage, a distrust of power, a hatred of violence and a deep empathy that was extended to people who were different from them, even people defined by the dominant culture as the enemy."

"In 2023 embalmers reported that 20% of corpses were showing these things. [..] 20% of deaths. This is just huge."

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